Friday, February 18, 2011

2011 AGM Minutes Have Been Posted

Thanks to everyone who made it out to our AGM on January 15th.  Minutes for the meeting can be found at:


Anonymous said...

Was looking over the minutes...Just wondering when the shows for this year will be announced? Also wondering if the show will just be one evening again or if there will be any two day or full day shows? Any chance of having indoor back up for the shows so they aren't cancelled last minute due to weather?
Other possibilities for clinicians: Dale Clearwater, Cayley Wilson or into the states Sandy Collier was in AB last year and everyone raved about her, Lynn Anderson would also be great.
Keri Hudson Reykdal

Administrator said...

Hi Keri,

I hope to have the show schedule put together in the next couple weeks.

The shows will not likely be evening shows because it just doesn't work well to do them together with Team Pennings. It gets too late and when a facility doesn't have lights that doesn't work. They will likely be afternoon shows. If we have enough entries they sure could be full day shows. I don't really think that indoor backup is a viable option in most cases. There really aren't any indoor arenas suitably set up out here other than the Keystone, which can't be had on short notice. We are still trying to keep show cost reasonable too.

Yes, Dale is a great clinician. We have had him twice. We have also looked into Cayley before, but the dates didn't pan out. Thanks for the other names. The clinic committee has already lined up a clinician for this year, but we haven't had a meeting yet to confirm it.

Hopefully some of our shows work out for you to attend this year.

Mark Michie

Anonymous said...

I hope to be able to come too, just hope that the CCHA ones are on different dates from the SRCHA ones...most of theirs are posted. The main reason I didn't come last year is that it just seemed that they were cancelled so often (which I know can't be helped). But when I am booking a weekend to go to a show, I would hate to have it cancelled last minute cause of weather...Anyway, I would like to come for the clinic in early May but there is also an SRCHA show that weekend too, so I will have to decide, guess it will depend on the clinician. I would really like to support the CCHA shows this year if at all possible!
Keri Hudson Reykdal

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