APRIL 31/MAY 1 2011
The stormy weekend of April 31/May 1 found many Crocus Cow Horse members snugly tucked in at the Keystone center with a terrific clinician, Taylor Douglas! 12 participants benefited from Taylor's knowledge and patience. Each group of six worked cattle for 4 hours, with a 1/2 hr break in the middle. Taylor worked us on the flag first, then boxing, fence work and circling. In the second part of the session we worked on cutting, including how to hold the herd correctly and help the cutter without getting in the way! We continued this program the second day, but Taylor also pointed out what the judge would see and how the run would be scored. Taylor was very helpful in teaching us how to read a cow and very patient with those of us who are slow learners! The clinic was also set up to put the used cattle in the practice ring so we could go and work cattle in the afternoon or evening. Crocus Cow Horse would like to extend a big thank you to Scotia Optical and Larry Clifford for providing snacks, drinks and lunch. It sure was great not to have to go out in the storm! CCHA would also like to thank Mike Morrison for the cattle and once again the ACE arena was a great venue. CCHA is looking forward to seeing everyone out at the shows!
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